Fall in love with the process over outcomes
If you are like me and many other creatives, you have many interests and want to do many things. You’
Being a generalist helps you find the right career choice
Being a self-taught designer has been something that made me unconfident.
I hated how I never specialized in anything in
STAR Interview Method for Product Designers
STAR interview method is a powerful tool that product designers can use to showcase skills during job interviews.
You can improve anything with 30 min a day for 30 days
🌱 The Seinfeld strategy — Don’t break the chain encourages us to use a big calendar that has a whole year
Systems vs Goals
I’m always failed at exercising regularly. It usually starts with passion, the first week is awesome and motivated. But the next week, it becomes less and less.
2024 Thoughts
✦ February
The day I become a better designer
The day I become a better design is the day I start writing.
2024 Thoughts
✦ February
Generalist vs Specialist
When you hire a person to solve a problem. Do you want to hire a person who knows many things or a person who great dept in one thing?
2023 Thoughts
✦ October
Imposter syndrome is real
It happens to many people. Many people are facing it too.
Different High-level Designs
The more senior the designer, the more abstract the problem they should be solving.
Designer Lvl 1: Design a form
🌱 Children who are later talkers
🌱 Feynman was an American theoretical physicist born in New York City. He’s a famous physicist, but many people know
🌱 Feynman
Richard Feynman was an American theoretical physicist born in 1918 in New York City.
Feynman was a very late talker—
2023 Thoughts
✦ February
🌱 Atomic essays
Have you heard of the term "atomic essay" coined by the Ship-30-by-30 creators? It's a fascinating
2023 Thoughts
✦ February
And I got an offer 🎉
Oh Yeah. I got an offer.
After almost 3 months of unemployment and many rejections, I got an offer. I
2023 Thoughts
✦ February
📗 A company I'm interviewing at has conducted a layoff
Do you believe that?
Yeah, it's the truth. Anything can happen, mah.
I was in the middle of
2023 Thoughts
✦ February
How to prepare for your Facebook product design interview
Highlights from Lily Konings’s sharing on how to land a product design job at Facebook