2025 Thoughts
✦ January
Proper footnote formatting and usage
Footnotes serve as essential tools in academic and professional writing, providing valuable supplementary information without disrupting the main text.
2024 Thoughts
✦ December
Why your personal website should be minimal
Simple design speaks volumes. A minimal website isn't about less, but about making room for what truly matters—your story and work.
STAR Interview Method for Product Designers
STAR interview method is a powerful tool that product designers can use to showcase skills during job interviews.
Different High-level Designs
The more senior the designer, the more abstract the problem they should be solving.
Designer Lvl 1: Design a form
2023 Thoughts
✦ January
🌱 📗 Whiteboard challenge Step-by-Step & Tips
Some companies will have a whiteboard design challenge. I will have one session next week. It will be a case
2021 Thoughts
✦ November
A complete guide for Lottie animation with GatsbyJS
Lottie animation is easier than you think. In this post, we will create a Lottie animation, from After Effect to prototype to export handover files for developers.
Get a job as a product designer whithout going to design school
I got my job as a designer without going to design school. This is a guide to teach yourself design.
Designer’s guide for designing for performance
Performance is a shared responsibility and everyone on your team impacts it. Considering performance when making design decisions will have an enormous impact on your users.
The function of beauty
We got so carried away with the idea of functionality, we lost sight of who we were designing for in the first place, humans
2019 Thoughts
✦ December
Jakob’s law
One of the most basic and common principles of UX
2019 Thoughts
✦ November
Can’t get good ideas? Come up with some bad ones
It’s your brain trying to protect you from harm, from coming up with ideas that is embarrassing and stupid and could cause you to suffer pain. The way you shut off is by forcing the brain to come up with bad ideas.
2019 Thoughts
✦ November
The designer’s job is both doing and thinking
What if one day you don’t have anything to deliver? It happens very often on a product team, what would you feel?
2019 Thoughts
✦ September
Ugly truths about design systems
Design system (DS) is not a temporary trend, it has many benefits to the organization and the product. But what else?